Ari "One thing America is good at is Pretend Reality"

D "What is that dear?"

Ari "The diner we are visiting is not really a diner"

Zoey "What is it?"

Ari "It's pretend"

Poof "Pretend..."

Sophia "Pretend..."

Jupiter "PreeeeeTenda"

Quack "What is that guy pouring into the mixie blender over there?"

Guy "It's a B-52 Milkshake"

Quack "A Bubbles Water Milkshake? I want one too"

D "Are you going to tell him dear?"

Ari "I'm thinking about it"

Poof "Go ahead"

Ari "Oh Guy, did you ever hear of a Beer Milkshake?"

Guy "No"

Ari "It's from the novel 'Cannery Row' by John Steinbeck"

Ari "Some Bud and a couple scoops of ice cream in your mixie blender thing over there"