A “Pasta and meat sauce please, Poof”

Zoey “Pasta and meat rocks for me too please”

D “So Ari...?”

A “I am going to tell you the story of the lost island of There”

Poof “Where is There?”

A “There is where the Bay of Fundy bumps into the Gulf of Maine”

A “There was an island There in ancient times that disappeared in time immemorial”

Zoey “Pass the cheese please; over there immemorial”

A “And suddenly it just vanished”

D “The cheese?”

A “Legend suggests there was a catastrophic volcanic plasma...”

Poof “Is that the meat sauce plasma on There?”

D “Are the noodles There?

A “...that turned the sea to a ubiquitous fog”

Zoey “Oh look at the fog on the plate there”

A “And the spirits of all the inhabitants were saved by shape shifting into the clouds of fog”

D “Where is There now, Ari?”

A “Everywhere”