Ari smmoshed some chocolate on his Johnny Cakes and studied the landscape with precision.

Ari “Looks like the planet Vulcan.”

Poof “What is the planet Vulcan?”

Zoey “What is a planet?”

Ari “A long time ago, scientists discovered a planet they named Vulcan.”

Sophia “It is between the Sun and Mercury.”

Zoey “How do you know that?”

Sophia “I’ve been there.”

Ari “There is the Sun and Mercury on this plate.”

D “You mean Vulcan has chocolate mountains?”

Ari “But then the scientists came to believe that Vulcan did not really exist.”

Sophia “That’s because it is invisible.”

Zoey “What is invisible?”

Ari “That means it’s there, but you can’t see it.”

Zoey “Like when the cheese on my pasta melts and you can’t see it, but you can still taste it.”

Ari “Mmmmmm, yep”

D “Like humans don’t believe in magic, but we do.”

Ari “There are two possible philosophical conclusions that reflect upon this life.”

Ari “The first seeing is not necessarily believing.”

Ari “And the second is chocolate is yummy with Johnny Cakes.”

Poof “More choco VulcanCakes please.”