Dudes in the Diner

The celebration spills out into the night and back to where it all began...

H “Hi there, welcome! Can I start you folks off with a nice cold beer?”

Ari “I would prefer some wine; what kinds of Pinot do you serve?”

H “We have Red or White.”

Ari “That’s it? Red or White; that’s it?...I guess I’ll have a glass of Red.”

H “You got it!”

Quack “They have Bubbles Water here?”

Zoey “Oder for all of us when she comes back.”

H “Here you are sir.”

Poof “Could we all have some Bubbles Water please?”

H “You got it!”

H “Here you go, ready to order now?”

Ari “Yes, we all want The What Lies Beneath Special”

H “Poutine with that? Our veg of the day is Flame Peppers from Holland.”

H “And would you all like extra gravy on the side”

All “Yeessssssss”

H “You got it”

H “And what kind of music would you like to hear with your meal?”

Ari ”Got any tunes by Big Ed and the Fender Benders?”

H “You got it.”

Sophia “Why does she keep saying You Got It?”

H “I get more flair if I say it a lot.”