A “Hey Sophia, whatcha been up to these days?”

S “I was cruising around the Mystic Shores, touching the hearts of some true believers”

A “Big Ed, this is Sophia; she’s the fog”

BE “How do you do, Sophia”

S “I do very well thank you Big Ed”

P “She’s my best friend”

A “Zoey of Fundy, I don’t believe it; where have you been, buddy?”

California drops a nickel in the jukebox

Z “Order of Pasta and MeatRocks, please”

Q “I would like to order some Bubbles Water please”

C “Oh no”

A “Oh yes”

A “Break out the Bubbles Water, FrictionMan”

P “Who's that Ari?”

A “That's Egret, the Indiana Jones of recycling”

C “Hold onto your stuff, she's on a mission to save Mother Earth”

C “Do you remember Ari?”

A “I’ll never forget dear”

Switch and turn

C “You better watch out Ari, you are going to fall”

A “I fell for you a long time ago, C”