String Theory

A “ I’ll have those Swedish MeatRocks, please”

C “MeatRocks?”

A “Zoey calls them MeatRocks”

A “Looks like a Martian Landscape, doesn’t it?”

BE “...think Mars has mashed potatoes?”

Poof “Here come the Splatter People”

C “Gather ‘round everybody, Ari is going to explain the universe...”

P “Again”

BE “Listen up everybody”

A “Scientists know there are these strings that go through all the rocks in the universe...”

C “MeatRocks”

A “...and the strings keep all the rocks from bumping into each other”

C “MeatRocks”

FM “I knew this guy who bought broken TV sets to fix and sell them”

C “Yes, and...”

A “Think of it like a galactic cue ball that slams into all the MeatRocks...”

A “which consequently begin endlessly expanding through the gravy stuff”

Poof “Look everybody, Sophia is here!”

C “Just in time”