Roc On

Z “Ari, wanna see a trick?”

A  “No Zoey, every time you do a trick we have to clean up the mess for a week”

S “That’s OK, Zoe, show us your new trick”

Z “See that itsy bitzy teeny weenie lighthouse over there?

Z “Ever wonder what’s inside of it?”

A “No, and I’m not going in there either”

D “Now Ari, it’ll be fine, let Zoey do her trick”

A “I don’t want to go into that tiny lighthouse model”

A “Last time, we got stuck”

A “The time before that we had a huge pasta explosion with gravy lava noodles all over the kitchen”

P “Zoey, how come it’s so much bigger on the inside than on the outside of this lighthouse?”

Z “It’s not bigger, we’re smaller”

R “Zoe, can we go back now please?”

Z “OK, here, ah...where is my...opps..just a sec, it was right here”