Jupiter is Rising

A “Looks like Jupiter is Rising”

Just then the door swung open.
Someone pulled the plug on the jukebox and the diner fell silent.

A “Big Ed, where the hell have you been all these years?”

BE “Well Ari, damn good to see you”

A “Back atcha”

BE “Seems like every time I looked into her blue eyes, I was changing diapers again”

California nuzzled her head on Ari’s shoulder and gently stroked the back of his neck with her fingers

A “You are a sight for sore eyes, pull onto a stool and tell us more”

BE “Still got my ole van in the garage; some day I’m gonna fix her up”

A “Order of Poutine over here please”

A “You see, when Jupiter is rising, things come back to where they ought to be”

C “I’ll try that new craft brew you just got in”

A “Just like you finally came back to our diner”

C “Welcome back Big ED, be mindful of the Retrograde”