What is a Full Moon?

A “Well D my love, there’s a full moon out there tonight”

Peg “What is a full moon?”

Ava “Peg, come on, look up”

Zoey “The humans think it is romantic and magic and leads to love”

Ava “What do they know about magic? Nothing!”

A “So I flew down the Long Island Raceway to fetch a surprise for us in honour of this lovely Harvest Moon”

D “Ooooo, my favorite, Chinese take out; yum”

Peg “What are they eating?”

Zoey “Shoosh, quiet”

D “Hmmm, what do we have here? Peking Ravies; super YUM!”

Ava “PEKING RAVIES !!!! OMG, I love those”

Peg “Shoosh, be quiet right now!”

A “And all this great stuff to go with it!”

D “I’ll light the candles, you get the music going”

Zoey “We need a plan”

A “You know what I love about you D?”

D “Yes, everything; I love you too Ari”

Ava “Oh gross, don’t they ever stop?”

Peg “Shoosh, quiet, he can’t hear us”

A “You know I can hear every word you say girls”

Ava “Can we have some pleeease?”

A “All right, here, there is plenty for all of us”

Zoey “Did he say he is sharing with us?”

A “Yes, you ladies are pests, but I love you too”

Peg “I told you he was nice!”

Ava “No, you said he could be nice”

Zoey “No, you said he was special”

A “This Full Moon reminds me how much I love you D; and the girls too”

Ava “Pass the sauce please”