The Best Word

Q “Ari, we're having a meeting to plan for our first BubblesWaterFest”

A “Yes”

Q “I need to say something impressive to our committee so they won't think I'm just another boy crazy, drunken duck”

A “I understand”

Q “What would you suggest I say to impress everyone?”

A “There is one best word to say that will impress”

Q “Yes, what is the best word?”

A “Paradigm”

Q “What does it mean?”

A “Nobody knows and that's why it's the best word”

A “You can use it with anything”

Q “Cool”

Q “This BubblesWater is a paradigm”

A “Perfect”

Q “Meat rocks are a paradigm”

A “Absolutely”

Q “This dust bunny is a paradigm”

A “You got it. Good luck with your meeting”