It’s All Good

Ari “Oh Gem, could I please have the Crepe Special”

A “Gather ‘round everybody, I want to show you something”

D “What’s your lecture about the universe today, Ari dear”

A “Let me pose a paradox for you...what do you see when you close your eyes?”

G “Here’s your crepe Ari, enjoy”

Zoey “Mmmmm, that looks yummy, can I have a little bite Ari?”

A “Yes, but hold on a sec please”

D “Can I lick some of the chocolate on the plate, dear?”

Jupiter “Gem, could I have a fork please?”

Poof “Just a itsy bitsy taste of the whipped cream, OK?”

A “Ladies, please...inside the crepe is something, but we can’t see it right?”

All “Right”

A “There could be luscious strawberries, divine bananas,  perhaps, some scrumptious chocolate, and a wisp of powered sugar”

A “That’s the reality of matter and antimatter in the universe”

D “Great universe story Ari, let’s dig in now!”