October 2, 2013
October 10, 2017
La Dolce Vita

Some one talking
In a whisper
About the past

Shall we count
Seems like it must
Be millions
But then again

And is it possible
That some one
Still has the

Does not seem
Long nights

The future
Make for proper punctuation

Just racing
Down river road
Going in opposite

I will look out
Upon the sea
Relax my mind
Think of you

With every  wavestorm
That flows into my place
Make up lovely
And oh so strong upon the pallet

I will ask
The obvious question
Where is the spirit
Still there but fading like sunset

Look out upon the the waterset
Look out for feelings
Not hidden
Until I call them to my side

I will make music
And aroma that fills
The senses
While I listen to the surfsound

And when I toast
You will be upon me
With my smile
La dolce vita