Breakfast All Day

A “I haven’t seen you around here for a long time Jupiter”

J “That’s because I haven’t been around here”

A “Where ya been?”

J “Not here”

A “Oh”

A “Watcha been doing?”

J “Looking for you”

A “Where?”

J “Here”

Zoey “Psssssssst, Ari”

A “What?”

Zoey “Poof wants to ask you something”

Poof “Ari, what is Jupiter talking about?”

A “Well, I, um, think she means; well, I don’t exactly know”

A “I think she means that while she was not actually here”

Zoey “She was here”

A “Right!”

Zoey “Hey Jupiter, race you to the rock”

A “ I guess Jupiter’s back”

Poof “I don’t think she ever left”