Why Knot

BE “I knew this guy who always ate his dessert first. He explained to me that since it was the best part of the meal, he should eat it first”

A “Well Big Ed, your friend could thank the famous Philosopher Immanuel Kant for that point of view”

Z “FrictionMan, could I have a slice of that Cherry Pie please?”

S “Is that Banana Cream Pie in there?”

J “I’ll have that Choco Cream Pie”

D “Hmmm, is that Peach Cobbler?”

A “You see, Professor Kant lived in the Age of Enlightenment”

A” He espoused the philosophical argument that deferral of gratification resulted in anguish”

Q “Slice of Blueberry Pie and Bubbles Water please”

BE “That’s funny...”

A “What’s that Big Ed?”

BE “Well, every time his wife asked my friend to wait until the end of his meal to have dessert...”

Poof “Yes?”

BE “He would reply...”

A “Yes?”

BE “I.Kant”